Get Engaged With Your Superannuation

With the end of the financial year looming, tension is always on the rise. Is your paper work up to date? Have you made an appointment with your accountant? Do they have to play those end of financial year ads on a loop?

With so much to think about, and so many unwelcome reminders, stress can make us overlook some important details.

We’re all guilty of it – you receive your superannuation statement in the mail, consider it for one moment, then toss it out without a second glance. You’ve got a tax return to organise, why would you take time out to examine that extra piece of paperwork?

Your super matters now.

Whether you’re going on 50, or have scarcely scraped your 20’s, if you’ve got a job, chances are you’ll have one or more superannuation funds already earning money. Making sure your super reaches it’s full earning potential, however, is where your financial advisor comes in.

Superannuation isn’t something you should be thinking about when it’s almost time to retire, if you put in the work now, you’ll be reaping the rewards later in life. It is what will differentiate your lifestyle from your neighbours, friends and colleagues – even with the same income, within the same work industry.

Many individuals who have their superannuation professionally assessed, find that they’re under-utilising, overpaying or simply have no need for their product.

So next year, when you receive that little piece of paper, think twice before adding it to the junk mail pile. A little extra labour now, will mean a whole lot of reward later on. Call your financial advisor and make sure your super is working as hard as you are.

Don’t be complacent, get engaged with your super!